
A hill town and popular tourist destination in the state of Jammu and Kashmir is Doodhpathri. It is located in the Budgam district of Jammu & Kashmir. It is a snow-covered alpine valley with pine, fir, and deodar meadows. The natural meadows, which are covered in snow in the winter, allow the growth of wildflowers like daisies, forget-me-nots, and buttercups during the spring and summer. Its beauty is enhanced by the thick carpet of green grass that covers the huge meadows and the silver-glistening streams that flow over the enormous stones. Doodhpathri is a grassy, rolling area with a variety of bright flowers up until Chang.The well-known town of Tosamaidan is located to the west of Doodpathri. Road access to the area is still required throughout the year, and getting there during the crowded winter months might be challenging. However, the rest of the year, a journey to Doodhpathri might be finished in less than a day. Nature is what you observe in its purest form. The only sign of civilization is a small cluster of dwellings amid the local herders.

Few people travel to the area because it is still largely unexplored. In addition, JKTDC built a resort for those who choose to spend the night. It is the ideal location for skiing and other winter sports because of the snow-covered mountains and the frozen lake. The valley is covered in wildflowers and beautiful green grass throughout the summer. The majestic Himalayas may be seen in all their glory, and the area is constantly alive with the sounds of chirping birds. It’s the perfect location for camping and hiking because of the calm ambiance and moderate climate.