
With the two most powerful mountain ranges in the world—the Himalayas and the Karakoram—the three highest motorable roads—Chang La, Khardung La, and Tanglang La—desert mountains, breathtaking night skies, rainbows, Tibetan monasteries, blossoms, lakes, rainbow hills, and the most beautiful landscapes, Ladakh is undoubtedly one of the most epic journeys you can take in India.

Things to do in ladakh

Pangong Lake

Pangong Lake, also known as Pangong Tso, is a high-altitude lake well-known for its gorgeous blue water that reportedly changes hue three to four times every day from dawn to dark due to golden mountains and sunrays.

After traveling for five hours via the Changla pass, which is 17,590 feet (5,360 meters) high (Chang-la), one can reach the Pangong lake, which is around 150 kilometers from Leh. Pangong Lake is situated at a height of roughly 4,350 meters (14,250 feet) above sea level. The water of Pangong Lake is salty. Due to a thick layer of frost covering the waters during the winter, the lake completely freezes over and becomes walkable.

Khardungla Pass

The Khardungla Pass is about 38 kilometers north of Leh, and it may be reached by a challenging route that has a high ascent and numerous hairpin twists. 18,380 feet above mean sea level marks the elevation of the Khardungla pass. India’s highest road and one of the world’s highest highways are both the Leh-Khardungla pass-Nubra route. The fact that Khardungla Pass is so high and intimidating is what draws thousands of tourists there.

Riders from all around the world come to Khardungla pass in large numbers to break personal records for riding above 18,000 feet. On the summit of Khardung-la, where the Indian Army maintains a garrison, there is a breathtaking view of the Himalayan ranges.

Nubra Valley

The 18,380-foot-high Khardungla Pass (also known as Khardongla), which connects Leh to the Nubra Valley, is one of the world’s highest motorable highways and the highest motorable road in India. Ladorma, which translates to “valley of flowers,” was Nubra’s prior name.

Diskit, Hunder, and Sumur are the three main settlements in Nubra Valley. Leh is about 130 kilometers away from Diskit. Over Leh, Nubra Valley is warmer. Nubra is a must-visit spot for tourists because of its vast and level valleys, Hunder sand dunes, double-humped camels, and greenery in many areas, like an oasis in the desert. Tourists opt to stay in camps (tents) in Nubra Valley. But Nubra Valley is home to many top-notch inns, guesthouses, and

Diskit Monastery

Diskit (Disket), located approximately 120 kilometers from Leh in the Ladakh region of Leh, serves as the administrative hub of the Nubra Valley. The Diskit Monastery, the oldest and largest gompa in the Nubra Valley, is located on the banks of the Shyok River and is the center of attention in Diskit. Seven kilometers separate Diskit and Hunder. In the fourteenth century, Changzem Tserab Zangpo, a disciple of Tsong Khapa, the sect’s founder, built the Diskit monastery. Just above Diskit village, Diskit monastery is located atop a steep mountain slope.

Shanti Stupa

One of Leh’s newest tourist attractions is the Shanti Stupa (Peace Temple), which is situated in the upper elevations of Leh at Changspa (Chanspa).

The stupa was built in 1991 by Buddhists from Ladakh and Japan. Buddha artifacts were deposited in the Shanti Stupa’s base by the 14th Dalai Lama. Buddhists regard the stupa, which is built on a hill, as having sacred significance.

Its construction started in 1983, and two years later, a road leading to the stupa was finished. Trekking enthusiasts can make their way there by climbing the steep stairs. In addition, it has excellent road access. One can see a panoramic view of the entire city and the mountains surrounding it thanks to the high altitude of Leh.

Leh Palace

King Sengge Namgyal built the nine-story Leh Palace, which boasts a view of Leh town, in the 17th century. Its design is similar to that of the Potala Palace in Lhasa, Tibet.

Leh Palace was started in 1553 by Tsewang Namgyal, the founder of the Namgyal dynasty in Ladakh, and completed by his nephew Sengge Namgyal. The royal family lived in the palace’s upper storeys, while stables and storage areas were located below. Leh Palace has been converted into a museum where visitors may see relics from the royal family. Visitors can see all of Leh from the palace’s top floor.

Leh Palace is easily visible from almost anywhere in the city. It is desirable because of how close it is to the main market.